Global LED Lighting Industry Analysis & Market Forecast (2012~2020)

The LED lighting market began to rebound from 2013 and is projected to kick into high gear starting from 2014. Global leading companies have already seen improving performance from 2013.

Although IT segment (BLU for TV, monitor, handset, etc.) has driven the growth of the LED market so far, it has already reached the maturity with market penetration having exceeded 90 percent, and thus will decrease steadily from next year.

From now on, the lighting segment is expected to play a leading role in the LED market along with the incandescent light bulb ban which started on September, 2012, efficiency and technological progress, and economies of scale accompanied by price erosion.

As the Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted and opened for signature on 10 October 2013, at a Conference of Plenipotentiaries (Diplomatic Conference) in Kumamoto, Japan, the production and sales of fluorescent lamps are to be prohibited from 2020 onwards.  This regulation on mercury following the incandescent light bulb ban is expected to accelerate broader market penetration of LED lighting, eroding the shares of fluorescent lamps as well as incandescent light bulbs. Considering the effect the fluorescent lamp will bring, it is reasonable to adjust existing estimates for market penetration of LED lighting upwards.  Thus, SNE Research adjusted upwards the LED lighting penetration rate for 2020 from 68 percent to 82 percent.

Reflecting the changing market situations, this report provides an in-depth analysis of the LED lighting market from 2012 to 2020.


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